
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

Dark_Falcon4/22/2010 7:27:30 am PDT

re: #484 iceweasel

Sorry. You didn’t even join here until November. I bring this up NOT as some kind of “ooo, look how long someone’s been here’ bullshit—but to make a point to you that LGF in the beginning of summer 2009 was a very different commenting community than it was in Nov 2009.

Haven’t seen everything this guy has done. But I really, really, really dislike the ‘old’ LGF culture of always beating on new people.
Sometimes a new person here still gets a massive beating from all over. And most people here don’t quite understand why a new person who is catching a lot of shit might understandably be not so polite the 10th time he’s called a liar, even if it is by someone just joining the fray that day.

You called him a liar. You were wrong. You apologised, which is very cool and much more than most do in similar circumstances— but maybe this is when you should employ that vaunted virtue of ‘graciousness’ and not pretend that your situations as commenters are similar— or that his reaction to you was somehow ‘the same’ as your charge.

Just sayin’.

You’re right in most ways. Most of the main commentators here in June 2009 are no longer here. This blog has changed profoundly. However, while I don’t like beating up on noobs, I do think those new to this blog should get pounded when they act stridently or jump to conclusions. SigmaX has had some good info, but his jumping on people is bad form and I don’t like it.