
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

Silhouette1/07/2009 11:27:39 am PST

re: #421 Jimmah

Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Not entirely reasonable. He goes too far is saying there should be no requirements but the ones he lists. There should be a lot more to it than a willingness to join. The military should be able to be discriminating in its choice, considering their job is the most vital one around.

For example, I should NOT be able to be a fighter pilot, as I am too old to enter the program now, and I have poor vision. And too short for many of the planes. For something like the Navy Seals, I am too small and weak.

I for one don’t want a heart surgeon that was accepted to a medical school that takes everyone who wants to go.

If he wants to say the sexual orientation discrimination should be removed, then he should address just that, but don’t remove all discriminations with some blanket statement.