
The Giant Breitbart Awakes

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/29/2012 9:35:11 am PDT

You hear the right wing say it’s unpopular all the time yada yada yada but they’re ignoring that some of that unpopularity comes from a left who wished it was more and others who mainly had a problem with the mandate which they thought was unconstitutional. There are other provisions within ACA that are very popular even with self described Republicans/conservatives. Now that doesn’t mean Obama can sit on his ass and say I’ve been vindicated and knowing the president’s actions, he won’t do that. What needs to be done is the many positive attributes of the law need to be extolled. I think the Republicans were fortunate that they were able to exploit the fears and unknown qualities of ACA to take back the House in 2010. They won’t have that this time because I think more people realize now that ACA wasn’t the terrible thing it was made out to be.