
Monday Jam: Mayer Hawthorne - "The Stars Are Ours" Live on KCRW

GunstarGreen3/25/2014 9:34:33 am PDT

re: #473 Interesting Times

53% is far too small a number. WTF is wrong with everyone else?! They want Handmaid’s Tale to become reality? o_O

Not as such. A good chunk of them are just idiots that blindly buy into the “religious freedom” rhetoric without understanding that the “freedom” at issue is the freedom to demand that your employees follow your religion or else, using their compensation package as the tool of force.

There is a reason that the Right constantly frames disputes of this nature — business fucking people over in the name of religion — as “religious freedom”. Low-info voters see “religious freedom” and say “Hey, religious freedom is a good thing!”, and act based only on that. They don’t bother looking at the actual issue.

Denying birth control coverage for religious reasons is a profoundly stupid path to start going down. You open the door to deny ANYTHING medical coverage-related on “religious grounds”. My religion says that the only permissible medical procedure is to shut your damn mouth and tough it out, so no coverage for you.