
Violence in Tehran, Suicide Bomber at Ayatollah's Tomb

Last Mohican6/20/2009 11:15:42 am PDT

Daniel Pipes: “Ahmadinejad or Mousavi?

Pipes had originally opined that it might be better for the world if Ahmadinejad stayed in power, because Mousavi has the same genocidal nuclear ambitions as Ahmadinejad, but he’s not as brash about declaring them, and that might prevent the world from properly acting against them.

Now Pipes is changing his mind:

The startling events in Iran in the week since the election, however, have transformed Mousavi from a hack Islamist politician into the unlikely symbol of dreams for a more secular and free Iran. In the words of Abbas Milani, my colleague at the Hoover Institution, “If Ahmadinejad survives, it will be on the back of a Tiananmen-style crackdown. If Mousavi prevails, it will be on a wave of reformist sentiment.” While that reformist sentiment may not shake the regime and is unlikely to stop the nuclear weapons program, it does hold out hope for substantial change.

Accordingly, I no longer want Ahmadinejad to serve as president for a second term but prefer Mousavi in that position. Better yet, of course, would be for neither of them to hold power but for the entire fetid Islamic Republic of Iran to collapse. While confident that process is underway. I have no idea if it is weeks or decades ahead. Whatever it requires, Mousavi as president hastens the process.