
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

oriana fan8/16/2010 6:45:36 pm PDT

re: #104 Walter L. Newton

re: #60 wrenchwench

That is what you call a nailing? Honestly, really?

He announced that he knew what was is in my heart of hearts? Your little buddy refused to redress my argument…It was so long ago, but I seemed to think that it was that none of you were able to refute the Imam’s outrageously tolerant remarks towards terrorism and the role radical Islam has played in it.

The state deptartment can send him wherever they want, he can speak at as many CAIR dinners he wants, but it will not change the fact that this man of G-d cannot condemn the lobbying of missles into civilian territories. That is what this is all about. The west has sat on its hands for 40 years of terrorism directed by the Arab states. We are now so used to it that the idea of setting off a bomb on a bus no longer shakes us. So, now when this Imam can find nothing bad to say about Hamas, its ok with y’all.

Well to quote Rev. Wright, the chickens have come home to the roost.

We have been so diluted by moral relativism that we cannot even defend ourselves from those who wish ill.

Remember, this man has said that the causes of terrorism are “complex.”

Have you all lost your minds?