
Crack in the Far Right World

karmic_inquisitor8/21/2010 9:20:39 pm PDT

re: #404 swamprat

I am undecided about corporate welfare; too complex.

Education- provided the country has a very healthy economy- will repay itself every time. Unless there are not enough jobs and industry to field them. If you educate people properly, though, they will damn well MAKE their own way. “Properly” is the key here. Independent thought is imperative.

I agree that education is imperative. Thing is, our subsidies of higher education has helped make it continually more and more unaffordable. At the same time, we are (for reasons unclear to me) producing fewer and fewer graduates in science and engineering as a percentage of the all degrees conferred. There is a bubble there and student loans that can never be extinguished in a bankruptcy court are also contributing to the problem. Should 18 year olds be signed up to (in some cases) a life long debt load in exchange for a degree which may or may not make him/her more marketable as a graduate? Are they in a fair bargaining position when they make that deal? Questions for the thread to ponder.