
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's SIOA Listed As Hate Group

Professor Chaos2/25/2011 9:04:54 pm PST

Good evening everyone.

I know that I lurk more than I post and when I do it is quite frequently a smart-ass remark of some kind, but tonight I need to be serious for a moment.

My grandmother is rapidly reaching the end of her 87 year long journey. She was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer three weeks ago, and this morning we put her into hospice care and signed her Do Not Resuscitate orders. She has been in severe pain for the last couple of days, but now that hospice is involved they have put her on stronger pain management medication and she has been sleeping comfortably since late this afternoon. She is able to relax now and I no longer see the look of pain that has until now refused to leave her face, even while she slept. I believe that she will be gone within 3-4 days, although it could be even sooner.

Right up until the time she entered the hospital three weeks ago she was a lovely, active and vibrant woman. I can relate her strength with one sentence: She was a World War II widow who raised two daughters as a single mother through the Fifties and Sixties. Let that sink in and think about how difficult that must have been.

There is nothing more important to her than her two daughters, four grandchildren, and two great-granddaughters. She is surrounded by the ones she loves and who love her. Yesterday I was able to have some heart-wrenching but wonderful private time with her and I will try to repay a small part of my debt to her for everything she has done for me over the years by being with her until the end.

If you’re so inclined, pray that her pain has finally ended and that she finds her way swiftly to her Lord.

Apologies for long-windedness and for being a buzzkill, but it was cathartic to write.