
The Creeping Expansion of Corporate Civil Rights

Justanotherhuman2/19/2014 10:51:55 am PST

Let them wear the armbands for crying out loud.

Feb. 19, 4:05 p.m. The International Olympic Committee has turned down a request from Ukraine’s Olympic team in Sochi to wear black armbands in honor those who died during clashes between police and protesers in Kyiv on Feb. 18-19, according to a statement posted to the National Olympic Committee of Ukraien website.

“The Ukrainian delegation at the Olympic Games in Sochi, led by NOC President Serhiy Bubka, sharing deep pain over the loss of fellow Ukrainians, asked the International Olympic Committee to allow Ukrainian athletes to wear black armbands as a sign of mourning and expression of sorrow and sympathy,” reads the statement. “The IOC reacted to the appeal of the Ukrainian delegation, but noted that in accordance with the Olympic Charter the request is impossible.”

“However, the Ukrainian Olympic delegation shares the grief and deeply mourns the tragic events,” it adds. — Christopher J. Miller