
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/21/2009 6:24:17 am PST

re: #403 DistantThunder
Good morning Distant Thunder! I’m a nuclear physcist too, though I can’t spell it right! LOL! According to the article, only residents who have previously agreed to participate in this drill will have their doors knocked on - I imagine they’ll have some sorta sticker or door knob type thing for folks who are willing to participate.
I think for REAL training, we all ought sneak up there, hide a apartments across the hall and when they knock on the door, jump out with water guns and yell “Booga Oga”!
Or, maybe not.
But let’s face it, these folks from the NG aren’t going to be carrying real ammo, just blanks - if that and we’d be assisting in training them how to avoid ambushes!
Or, maybe not.