
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

johnnyreb4/15/2009 2:11:50 pm PDT

re: #464 Eowyn2

Surprisingly, I have spent none of my adult life at physical odds with the feds. No busting, no jailing, no harassing. They dont bother me. I’m not pissed at the feds. I like my postal carrier. I like my post office staff. The only time I ever called the BATF, I was treated nicely and the law regarding automatic weapons was explained (clinton years. btw full autos have been banned for sale in the US since at least 1939. - I dont remember the exact date.)

Uh depending upon which state you live in, you can still buy full auto weapons. I suggest New Hampshire. The gun stores there are chock full of them. But you need at least $5,000 to even look.