
Overnight Video: Johann Johannsson - Here They Used to Build Ships

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/07/2013 12:07:10 pm PST

re: #487 stabby

Blaming Islam is not the same thing as being “bigoted against Muslims.”

Yeah, Pam Gellar doesn’t hate Muslims, she just hates Islam. I don’t get why people don’t understand. Why, you just think Islam is an irresistibly corruptive influence that explains why the Middle East is a war-wracked country, whereas the supposed superiority of Christianity— not, say, the Enlightenment or WWII or anything— is why Europe, after a horrifically war-torn and very Christian past, has very, very, very, very, very recently stopped being a hellscape battleground.

That makes total sense, dude, we’re all just idiots who are jealous of how brave you are.