
Video: Samantha Bee Tries to Fact-Check a Bunch of Clueless Trump-Supporting Millenials

lawhawk3/16/2016 7:38:23 am PDT

There’s 3 dimensional chess in play again.

If the GOP refuses to consider Merrick, who’s more of a centrist, or they drag him through the mud, and then refuse to consider, Obama might turn around and be like - you’ve blocked this one, and then go for the jugular with someone like Srinivasan.

Liberals might be upset that Obama didn’t go for Srinivasan or Kelly right off the bat, but that assumes that they wanted the job - knowing that they’ll be the recipients of a vicious mudslinging campaign to obstruct the President’s pick and prerogative.

Merrick has the benefit of being someone that several key GOPers voted to confirm to the federal courts previously. They now have to defend blocking him to the Supreme Court based on the favorable things they’ve said previously.