
Captain Marvel #1, May 1968

Killgore Trout8/23/2010 8:30:18 am PDT

re: #478 Walter L. Newton

“LOST” Alert… “LOST” Alert… “LOST” Alert… “LOST” Alert

The producers had promised a “LOST” lost episode on the upcoming season 6 DVD set. Well, you know the internet, someone got a copy and it’s gone viral… I find links to certain sites, and then the video is gone… so, this link is still good, but I don’t know who long it will be available…

It’s 12 minutes long, mostly dedicated to the myth and mysteries, and no so much on character development, there are some questions answered, typical of LOST, more questions are proposed… and I know the producers promised “no sequel,” but then again, Disney owns the show, and Disney never said no sequel.

This 12 minute episode screams sequel. You be the judge.


I don’t think they can make a sequel work. There’s just not enough mystery left in the world of Lost and too many of the characters have moved on. I don’t think they can recapture the magic.