
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Guanxi8812/23/2009 2:50:25 pm PST

re: #492 obdicut

Leftist is a pretty dumb word.

Yes, I do think that artistic use of symbols and iconography of totalitarianism are good, especially when they show a totalitarian dictator looking like he’s wearing eyeliner.

Totalitarian dictators aren’t very fond of artists representing them in a caricature, you know.

Leftist is a dumb word. Fine. What other word would you prefer I use to indicate the political inclinations of persons who see in Mao an inspiring example of political genius, and one whose experiences are to be used to encourage high schoolers to persevere, as happened in yet another “nontroversy” involving the use or presence of Mao in current discourse here in the States?

Mao wasn’t bothered by Warhol, who probably had no clue at the time (1973) what Mao was up to or what was really going on in China.

So, was the ornament then sent to mock Mao? If so, why?