
Wingnuts Raging at Obama Speech (Of Course)

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸9/09/2011 3:33:59 pm PDT

so, who are the great republican presidents that modern day republicans hearken back that belong to the days before ronald reagan bestrode the earth and defeated the soviet union singlehandedly with his mighty Very Expensive Military Spending?

surely not nixon or the suspiciously liberal eisenhower. not poor discredited hoover or forgotten coolidge, who should be better remembered for his dry sense of humor, nor the hapless harding

and not TR, since on any close inspection it turns out he talked about “malefactors of great wealth” and once ran for president on the - gasp!!! - Progressive ticket

no, you have to go back to mckinley! yes, mckinley and the full dinner pail! vote for mckinley and sound money! and if you look into it closely, you can see that, indeed, the republican party would very much like to revert the social compact of the united states of american to exactly what it was in 1896. exactly!