
Making Trayvon's Skittles and Ice Tea Criminally Suspect

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)7/20/2013 10:52:39 am PDT

This bit:

And what’s amazing is that all of this is in-graciousness in victory: it is not enough that there was a Not Guilty verdict. They cannot bear that the Trayvon Martin shooting could be the product of misunderstanding, nor that there be a lingering question of Martin’s right to defend himself against a stranger following him. Rather the vocalizations about the inherent guilt of Martin…that he could only be criminal and suspicious…have gotten louder.

Exactly. This is a familiar trope with the right wing. It’s not enough that corporations and executives make an obscene amount of money, stifling wages while profiting from increased productivity— they also have to call them ‘job creators’.

It’s not enough to try to criminalize abortion because of religious views, they also claim they’re trying to help the health of women.

There always has to be a lie.