
12 Years Later: Remembering 9/11

klys (maker of Silmarils)9/10/2013 5:43:27 pm PDT

re: #4 CuriousLurker

I was in class that morning, and right before we went on break (was taking classes at the local community college in the morning twice a week), he told us that there had been a plane crash into the WTC. We tuned into CNN just in time to see the first tower come down.

I didn’t get much more work done that day. Out of the group I knew at school, one girl lost her dad on Flight 93. The memory I have there I will never forget. Another nearly lost her mom (and her mom lost coworkers). The guy whose locker was next to mine - his dad’s girlfriend had gone in early to give a presentation that he had helped her with the night before. She never came home.

Didn’t have TV for two weeks until my folks shelled out for cable; losing the antennas on the WTC took out our TV for a while.