
Dogs in Slo-Mo: SHAKE

Kragar10/21/2013 11:26:12 pm PDT

League of the South Rules of Engagement to Help White Southerners Survive

Leaving no doubt as to the aim of their advocacy, the League posted a simplified FAQ on their Facebook page. Here is a taste:

Q. Who are the Southern People?
A. The descendants of European, Christian peoples who settled the Southern regions of North America

Q. What is a kith and kin nation?
A. A People bound together by blood and soil

Q. What do we mean by Anglo-Celtic?
A. The Peoples of the British Isles

Q. Is The League of the South a Christian organization?
A. We defend and promote Western Christian civilization.

Q. Is The League of the South a “racist” organization?
A. The term “racist” is an anti-White, anti-Southern slur.