
Overnight Micro Pig Tummy Rub

Killgore Trout12/27/2013 8:11:44 pm PST

Millennials: 0 fucks given about privacy
Study: U.K. Teens Fleeing ‘Dead and Buried’ Facebook

Răzvan Nicolescu, this week commented on the team’s findings around European attitudes towards privacy on social media platforms.

“The questionnaires we applied this summer in our Italian fieldsite showed that around 40 percent of respondents who were on Facebook had never changed their privacy settings, which means their profiles were public,” Nicolescu said in a post on the project’s official blog.

“At the same time, more than 80 percent responded they were not concerned or did not care if an individual or an organization would use their personal data available on the platform.”

Nicolescu called the percentage of Italian social media users who had a seemingly blas attitude towards their privacy “much higher than I expected.” What’s more, the researcher described the Italian indifference to privacy as “relatively high when compared to similar data collected from other fieldsites in the project”

Millenials are going to be an interesting bunch. It looks like concepts such as privacy and going to be the new equivalent of “get off my lawn”.