
Blind Man Acquitted in Fatal Shooting Gets Guns Back

The Ghost of a Flea2/24/2014 6:01:09 pm PST
Rogers has a history of violence. Four years ago, he fired 15 rounds from a handgun at Michael Rogers, his roommate and cousin, following a night of drinking and fighting in Geneva, according to court records.

Michael Rogers suffered scrapes but no gunshot wounds. The defendant was charged with aggravated assault but, in a deal with prosecutors, pleaded no contest to a lesser charge — unlawfully displaying a firearm — and was placed on probation.

That was revoked, however, when he pushed and punched a woman a year later, something that resulted in him spending 71 days in the Seminole County jail for domestic violence, according to court records.

Rogers shot DeWitt once in the chest with a .308 Remington assault rifle from a distance of 18 inches or less, defense attorneys said.

Dude has a history of violence.

This is my surprised face.

See my surprise?

That’s surprise.

Totally not sarcastic.

Not at all.

Nary an iota of sarcarm.
