
Glenn Greenwald: Being Called a Traitor Is a "Badge of Honor"

Justanotherhuman5/18/2014 3:12:00 pm PDT

“Greenwald: It is always the case that people who bring unwanted disclosure that makes people in power uncomfortable are called traitors, and I look at that really as a badge of honor. I think it’s a testament to the fact that we’re doing our jobs.”

What a totally bullshit statement because no, not everyone who is a genuine whistleblower is a traitor. Snowden stole secret govt documents and “sold” them to the highest bidder, his accomplices, Greenwald and Poitras.

I also am beginning to think that Omidyar may have been previously involved even more than we have been led to believe. It only took him from June to Oct—just 4 months—to finalize a deal with Greenwald for the moribund start-up, “First Look” and offer $250M as seed money.