
Porn Production Plummets in Los Angeles After Condom Law

Sufficient unto the day...8/06/2014 10:40:06 am PDT

re: #1 1Peter G1

Here we go again.

So no, there is no evidence that this in any way harms the industry in California and therefore isn’t a valid argument against local regulation.

I fully support local regulation. However, one should try to understand the effects of regulations (preferably BEFORE they’re issued). And who’s talking about the state of California besides you? I mean, I know LA is in California, but California didn’t pass that.

There is no reason to suppose or believe the industry (have to call it something I suppose)

What else would you call it?

is better off concentrated in one county vs across other counties in the state. You could argue that the law was not terribly productive but not counter productive.

Concentration in LA vs other counties was never presented as being counterproductive to California. BECAUSE CALIFORNIA AND LA ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS AND THIS WAS A STORY ABOUT LA.