
Obama Forms Coalition of Arab States to Take Action Against ISIS, Right Wing (And Greenwald) Confused, Angry

Lidane9/23/2014 10:04:11 am PDT

It’s lunchtime. Have some derp:

Joseph Farah: Obama Is Faking War With ISIS

He did, however, provide arms and munitions and your tax dollars to those rebels. Most or all of it wound up in the hands of ISIS. Thus, Obama, more than anyone else, actually fed and nursed and gave aid and comfort to ISIS. He incubated the monster it has become.

Now Obama is using the crisis he created to get what he wanted more than a year ago - another shot at undermining Assad’s government. He’s going back to the well with what he describes as a strategy to defeat ISIS by supporting Assad’s Sunni opposition.


I can only assume the reason is that Obama is not really at war with ISIS.