
Sweet Cakes by Melissa's Owners Say Fine for Rejecting Lesbian Couple Will Leave Them Bankrupt

Vicious Babushka10/01/2014 5:09:12 pm PDT

Wingnuts do not understand the difference between WHAT (a thing) and WHO (a person)

A business may refuse to provide A THING to their customers if it is not a product they would serve to any other customers. For example you can’t go to Walmart and insist that they sell you a Mercedes, or to a halal/kosher/vegan restaurant & demand a bacon cheeseburger.

A business may NOT refuse to provide a thing, that they provide to all their other customers, to someone based on WHO they are.

No shoes, no shirt, no service someone can come back wearing shoes and shirt, but they can’t go home and come back BEING NOT GAY.

Now, how do I distill that into a 140-char Tweet?