
Good News From the Ebola Front: Nurse Amber Vinson Has Recovered Already

Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing10/22/2014 5:32:51 pm PDT

Excellent news!

Also, posting from downstairs, 2 things:

1. In re: the Gamergate douchebags, everyone should read this article from Max Read at Gawker Media:
How We Got Rolled by the Dishonest Fascists of Gamergate

Like them or not, Gawker Media (primarily through Jezebel, Kotaku, and, I believe Gizmodo) have done a pretty good job of covering this.

Last week, a Gawker writer tweeted “bring back bullying.” He, and later I, made the tactical mistake of publicly treating Gamergate with the contempt and flippancy that it deserves. As a consequence, our advertisers were quickly inundated with the same kinds of emails that spooked Intel. Gamergaters were passing around a sample letter (“DO NOT COPY AND PASTE”) and list of advertiser contacts to coordinate the campaign;

2. Anyone who watched the Age of Ultron trailer, can you tell me if that’s Brian Cranston (Breaking Bad) doing the voiceover?