
The Instant that Ended a Police Career

CuriousLurker3/27/2015 2:47:53 pm PDT
This is the story of a patrolman whose single, understandable act of temper ended his and several other careers.

I up-dinged your effort in making this page, but I disagree with the above.

Single? How do we know this wasn’t a pattern with him and that this incident was “single” only in the sense that he got caught this time? People who get physically violent like that don’t usually do it as a one-off thing. Ask any battered woman or child.

Understandable? Having the urge is understandable, acting on it is NOT. I’ve had the urge to smash someone’s face into the wall more than once, but it was never someone half my size and I never actually did it. The worst part is the grins on the faces of the other two cops behind him—they seem to find it quite enjoyable. That’s not understandable, it’s pathological.

Too bad only the officer who pepper-sprayed the victim after he was down (and clearly dazed to the point of being unable to stand on his own) got fired along with the other one. IMO, all three of them should’ve been fired. People who lack self-control and/or enjoy seeing other people get hurt shouldn’t be in positions of authority.