
Republicans Are Saying Environmentalists Caused California's Drought. Here's Why They're Wrong

lostlakehiker4/10/2015 7:56:42 am PDT

The lie is that Republicans are saying environmentalists caused the drought. The truth is that Republicans are saying that environmentalists prevented timely preparation for a drought which everybody ought to have known would come, even if it were not for the amplifying effects of climate change.

California is subject to droughts. Even in historical times, there have been droughts more severe than what California now faces. This had to have been foreseen, not as to date, but as to “at some point”.

Now, what could have been done? What ought to have been done? Look to Texas. Build reservoirs. Build enough of them that in the event of a reasonably foreseeable drought, one can pull through. It would have been expensive. It would have cut into the pet projects of liberals. It would have impacted fragile species that will now be impacted anyhow.

If that is unacceptable, then put a price on water, a price so punitive that water is conserved to whatever extent necessary. Drive out the rich who use so much [ah, but you need their taxes?] drive out the poor who out of sheer numbers use so much [ah, but you need their votes?] drive out the middle class [ah, that’s a work in progress, though not by way of water prices.]

So no, Democrats didn’t cause the drought. Nature would have caused it with or without climate change; because of climate change, it’s somewhat worse. But what Democrats did do is cause the unreadiness.