
Deranged Trump Tweet of the Day: "Dems Scream Death!"

ObserverArt7/19/2017 10:04:40 am PDT

Just composed a response to Stanley Sea regarding contacting Senators about the healthcare legislation. I think it important and hope everyone uses it so here it is again.

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Start with Mitch McConnell. Being that he is Majority Leader he should take emails and calls from everyone.

Here is his contact form online. I checked it, it will take contacts from all US citizens.

Contact Form for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

I think many Senators allow outside contacts. I don’t remember Ohio’s Rob Portman asking for Ohio info, he too allows outsiders. Since he is on the fence and struggling you might contact him.

Contact Form Ohio Senator Rob Portman

I use these online contact forms because they do get to them. Many of the GOP Senators are not taking phone calls.

Just use Google and type in “contact Senator (Name)” and the forms pop up. Look for www.(Lastname) as the web address.

Here is a general link to contact info for ALL U.S. Senate members. I think the links go to all of their contact forms like those linked above.

Senators of the 115th Congress

Let ‘em have it! But be fairly nice as in no cussing, etc. Sugar coat your hate for them and this legislation.