
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/19/2024 6:27:47 pm PDT

Two threads ago:

re: #105 Hecuba’s daughter

The 10 Commandments say nothing about lying, only about bearing false witness against your neighbor. Wonder how that extends to those who are not your neighbors — like a judge or a prosecutor in a case against you.

If I wanted to use a legalistic definition of “bear witness” as shown in God’s Own Bible, the Abridged Version of the King James, I would go with Merriam-Webster. Neither requires a court.

Definition 1
: to show that something exists or is true
—+ to
His success bears witness to the value of hard work.
Rising ticket sales bear witness to the band’s popularity.

In the first example: He was later convicted of embezzlement (which could be hard work I guess).
In the second example: The band was able to book more venues (because they quit their jobs and had more time)

Definition 2
formal : to make a statement saying that one saw or knows something
asked to bear witness to the facts
She was accused of bearing false witness at the trial.

In the first example:
Concerned woman: Did you see my husband in a bar with his secretary?
Homewrecker: Yes. He’s been there with her a lot (she lied).