
Video: Science Geeks Partying for Darwin

DeafDog2/12/2009 2:46:30 pm PST

Unfortunately, Darwin did not fare well in the Greatest scientist of all time Cage-Match Tournament:

Darwin was upset by a tenacious Pasteur. Darwin had shown both grace and athleticism in his first round victory over Ptolemy but against Pasteur he seemed disorientated and made frequent attempts to escape from the cage before ultimately falling to the Frenchman who accentuated his victory by standing over the father of evolutionary theory and exclaiming, “You’ve been Pasteurized!” Later, his coach explained that Darwin had insisted on employing a multi-generational breeding strategy whereby he and his offspring mated with the world’s toughest women. Darwin felt that this strategy, combined with a smear campaign that claimed Pasteur suffered from syphilis, was unbeatable. Unfortunately Darwin’s coach was unable to convince him of the plan’s shortcomings, most notably its overly long timescale.

{I posted this earlier, but I still think it’s funny}