
Friedersdorf's Letter to Goldberg

Randall Gross11/07/2009 7:56:24 pm PST

That’s an excellent letter, most people don’t even get it that the Texas political machine that brought in K st, C St Band, and all of those scandals is the same machine behind the Tea parties, they’ve just widened the outreach from Religious Right to include the other single issue fringers. Right now they are backing Todd Tiahrt, who is under ethics scrutiny for the PMA group defense scandal.
These guys brought us Randall Duke Cunningham, and the pattern is very likely to repeat. The culture warriors figure they can get away with a little bad every now and then as long as they are acting to stop gay marriage and stay opposed to abortion. It’s the “because I’ve done something good it’s ok to reward myself with something bad” syndrome.