
Did Climate Scientists Destroy Data? A: No.

winemaker11/29/2009 11:15:48 am PST

David Holland, a UK engineer who has been at the forefront of bringign to light the Freedom of Information” problems with the climatoligists at East Anglia:

“Thanks to these leaked emails a lot of little people can begin to make some impact on this monolithic entity that is the climate change lobby.

“These guys called climate scientists have not done any more physics or chemistry than I did. A lifetime in engineering gives you a very good antenna. It also cures people of any self belief they cannot be wrong. You clear up a lot of messes during a lifetime in engineering. I could be wrong on global warming – I know that – but the guys on the other side don’t believe they can ever be wrong.”

Hmmm. A belief that your side cannot be proven wrong with science. Sound familiar? Organized fundamentalist religions; Leftists and collectivists; and perhaps, global warmers!