
Amazon's Free Kindle Apps

Cato the Elder4/10/2010 9:50:39 pm PDT

I downloaded and installed the iPhone version before I ever bought my own Kindle. I bought Kindle books and read them on the iPhone before I ever bought the Kindle.

You can synchronize between the two on the fly, so if you’re stuck somewhere without your Kindle and want to keep reading “The Complete Tales of H.P. Lovecraft”, you don’t miss a beat.

Of course, there’s no built-in dictionary or notes or other perks, like on the Kindle, but if you’re really stuck for a definition, you can look it up on the iPhone version of the compleat Am. Herit. Dict., for a mere $35.00 (bought when I could afford pricey iPhone apps).

Charles, do you think Amazon might be intentionally killing the Kindle to cash in on the iPad?