
Conspiracies and Pseudo-Skepticism, Part I

Barrett Brown12/15/2010 11:00:48 am PST

re: #2 Bob Levin

I was influenced by Alexander Berkman (who of course was Goldman’s working associate for a while) when I was 13 and thereafter a communist anarchist. Eventually I began to oppose all initiation of force and became an anarcho-libertarian/anarcho/capitalist. I am now an anarcho-technorat, although I can’t point to any particular author who influenced me on that; rather, this stance is the result of my work in the media and politics and in particular my examination of how institutions work. Earlier this year I founded an experimental anarcho-technocratic entity called Project PM which I’d be happy to tell you about and share materials on our work if you’d like to e-mail me at Or, click this link: We’re working on several sub-programs like our Science Journalism Improvement Program and our Africa Development Program in addition to a blogger communication schematic and a similar schematic by which individuals can corroborate on shared goals. Media reform is our main specific goal, though; I have talked to Charles a great deal about PM, even before I founded the organization. I also mention it in the Vanity Fair profile I wrote on Charles last summer.