
How the Hard Left, By Focusing Only on Israel, Encouraged Arab Despotism

What, me worry?2/03/2011 8:48:47 am PST

re: #4 HappyWarrior

Imagine how the left in the U.S. would carry on if white, Christian males were given the rights over women and minorities in this country (including the right to kill them by throwing boulders at their heads) the way that Muslim males have in Arab countries. Talk about rioting in the streets?

The way to fix this is that they must visit Israel. I believe every Jew, firstly, should visit at least once in their lifetime. Natan Sharansky recently talked about this. When Jews visit, it’s like a shot of B12 (my analogy not his)! For Jews, it’s a sense of renewal. For non-Jews, if you’re religious, it’s a place of wonder and spirituality. For the non-religious, the history will leave you with a sense of awe. On top of all that, it’s a lot of fun.