
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/21/2011 8:51:04 pm PDT

re: #3 HappyWarrior

The pro life political movement by and large seems to care more about making life miserable for women who choose to get abortions and the doctors/nurses that perform the abortion than actually working to stop and lower the conditions that make women choose to get abortions in the first place. Former Senator Simpson of Wyoming said it best recently, it’s moronic to think as many of these people do that women wake up one day with a smile on their face and choose to get an abortion. It’s not an easy decision and lack of empathy by these people for women is appalling. It was Sharron Angle who used the famous lemons and lemonaide analogy as advice of what she’d give to a teen girl who was raped.

Well it is all about controlling women and fear of female sexuality.