
Alec Baldwin's Man Excuse: Anthony Weiner Is a Modern Human Being

Buck6/09/2011 2:50:04 pm PDT

Watch how this is just part of an organized effort to change what Weiner did to “just sent pictures” instead of “lied to everyone for 10 days.”

Rachel Maddow, David Letterman, Bladwin…so far.

I predict you will see the media start to shift and be outraged at the outrage. After all it is just a stupid man thing, not at all serious. They will try to shift it away from the lying.

They will compare Weiner to conservatives that were caught doing stupid things like posting a picture of themselves half naked on Craigslist. When they do, ask yourself if that politician also repeated the lie that they didn’t do it. Ask yourself if that politician stood by while others were blamed for what they knew they did.

The outrage is about the lying, not really about pictures, tweets or FaceBook.