
Israel considering annexing settlements if Palestinians proceed with UN member-state bid.

Ziggy_TARDIS9/18/2011 8:43:38 am PDT

re: #4 Bob Levin

I would take your Liked Perspective more seriously if it weren’t for two things:

a) What about the fact that the Palestinians have a major water crisis, because Israeli wells undercut them, and many settlers very crude actions towards Arabs.

b) The fact that Likud is a descendant of Irgun, a terrorist organization responsible for both the King David Hotel Bombing and the Deir Yassin Massacre. Likud recently attempted a white wash of the former event.

In any case under your ideas, the Palestinians would have a poor state riddled with holes, with checkpoints preventing any sort of movement, and constantly short of water because of settlers wells.

You care only about the lives of one side. To you, the Palestinians are expendable.

The Palestinians are constantly being asked to give up land, and places important to them. The temple mount is a good example. Why would I trust Likud to protect such the Dome of the Rock and Al-Asqa Mosque. It didn’t work for the Muslims in India concerning Babri Mosque in India when the very similar BJP was in power 20 years ago.