
In Light Of Recent Events-A Look at CJ's Fauxtography Updates

What, me worry?12/09/2011 7:51:06 am PST

Um… If you’re going to declare someone wounded in a photo, it’s usually best to show the person wounded. Please show me a photo declaring a wound anywhere else where no wound is visible.

I could care less whether it’s Arab, Dutch, French or Italian, fauxtography is misrepresentation to illicit sympathy from the audience, and it works against Israel BIG time.

Of course, the Dutch, French and Italians do not generally partake in fake photos. The Arabs have made damn near a cottage industry out of it. That’s where Pallywood comes from - and the little boy who cried wolf.

How come when Lawhawk types that exact sentiment everyone cheers?

The truth may be ugly, but it remains the truth.