
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

wrenchwench7/13/2012 3:24:10 pm PDT

From the transcript:

They want to see if they can’t divert to some kind of outrageous charge. It’s Chicago-style politics at its worst and the president promised something better than this when he ran the last time. And he ought to disavow it and reign in these people who are running out of control.

Romney’s not responsible for the use of the wrong “reign”, but he is for the use of “Chicago-style politics” which I think is an inappropriate slur.

Near the end:

KARL: Nothing at all? Condoleezza Rice, can you tell us what you think of her? Is she going to be somebody who would have a role in your administration one way or the other?

ROMNEY: Well she’s been very helpful to my campaign already with advice on a series of foreign policy matters and I speak with her from time to time or my campaign does. Also secretary Jim Baker. Secretary Henry Kissinger. I’ve had the chance to speak with a number of people with extensive foreign policy experience. Ambassador John Bolton and I have spoken and met together and so Condoleezza Rice and her view, like these others, are views that I have found very helpful and will continue to avail myself of their expertise.

The fact that he mentions Bolton in the same breath with Baker, Kissinger, and Rice does not speak well of him. More bluntly; it shows how clueless he is.