
Frank Gaffney Plotting To Take Down Grover Norquist With Muslim Brotherhood Accusations

SanFranciscoZionist8/01/2012 5:07:25 pm PDT

re: #3 palomino

Does Gaffney just hate Norquist because his wife’s a Muslim?

Or is there something else Norquist has done with respect to Islam that would cause any concern for a rational human being?

Well, the ACU looked into the charges and couldn’t find anything, and he has been reduced to making his charges through World Nut Daily, so I assume whatever he has is not terribly exciting to the reality-based community.

Part of the problem is that they really have convinced themselves that Muslim women never, in fact, marry non-Muslim men, without those men having secretly converted, or the women having gotten a special ‘dispensation’ from Islam Central. So if you see a Muslim woman who doesn’t cover her hair, and may not be stringent about prayer, and married a Christian guy she met somewhere and liked, this is not merely a woman who decided to do her own thing, because they’ve convinced themselves that no such Muslims exist. This is a set-up. Because IF such a woman existed, she would have been honor killed on the spot.