
Ecuador grants Wikileaks founder asylum

Destro8/16/2012 7:47:22 am PDT

re: #4 Chrysicat

There is absolutely no human rights violation in executing a spymaster. The only reason it didn’t happen—repeatedly—in the Cold War is that the people running their spies were in under diplomatic cover and would be recalled if they were burned.

Julian Assange is directly responsible for the death of hundreds of US assets in Afghanistan and Iraq and will soon become responsible for the death of the only hope Zimbabwe had to be pulled out of the abyss it’ll remain in as long as it remains “For Blacks only, and we’ll steal everything from everybody who has even one ancestor not born in Africa going back as far as 1700”.

I only wish he could be publicly tried and hanged as the spyrunner he is rather than simply disappearing into Gitmo as an enemy combatant, which is the most likely way he’ll be treated.

Assange is a spy how? Was he in the USA when he spied? And your pathology and racism is dually noted which is why Assange is correct to prevent his extradition to a country where people like you call for the death of journalists because they expose govt secrets. At least you are not as demented as other conservatives who called Assange a ‘traitor” - Assange of course is not a traitor because he is an Australian citizen not an American citizen. Maybe FOX newscasters assume the whole English speaking world belongs to America,,,,,,,

Senator Lieberman Doesn’t ‘Understand’ Why The Department Of Justice Hasn’t Charged Assange With Treason (because Lieberman is an idiot)

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