
Why Does Dinesh D'Souza Hate America?

Timmeh8/29/2012 6:13:34 pm PDT

re: #1 Destro

So let me get this down, D’Souza, an Indian from a nation that overthrew British colonial rule and now a naturalized American, which also threw off British colonial rule fears Obama because he is anti-colonial?

D’Souza is a special kind of Indian though:
How D’Souza thinks

And if I were to try to understand his thinking using the same methods he uses to interpret Mr Obama, I might look to his Indian background, which is where he says he gained his insight into anti-colonialism. Mr D’Souza notes simply that he grew up in Mumbai, but a more complete accounting is that his parents were members of the Christian community in the state of Goa, which was colonised by Portugal. The last name “D’Souza” is a common family name in West Africa, where it indicates that the family is descended from the slave-trading coastal mixed-race elite. In India, however, it indicates that the family likely belongs to the Roman Catholic Brahmins, Hindu Brahmins who were converted by missionaries beginning in the 17th century. Interestingly, the Christian community in Goa retained a Hindu-style caste system, with Catholic Brahmins continuing to discriminate against Catholic dalit or “untouchables”, whom they refer to as mahara or chamaar. Elite Catholic Brahmin households in Goa sent their children to Jesuit schools (like the one Mr D’Souza attended) and often spoke Portuguese at home, referring to the main local native language, Konkani, as the lingua des criados (“language of servants”).

Goa remained a Portuguese colony until it was annexed by India in 1961, which happens to be the year of Mr D’Souza’s birth. Many Goan Christians did not welcome the annexation, fearing they would be subsumed in the Hindu-Muslim mega-state. A later source of anxiety was India’s affirmative action (or “reservation”) policies, which set aside university slots and civil-service jobs for people from recognised historically stigmatised groups, known as “scheduled castes and tribes”. Beginning in the early 1980s, when Mr D’Souza was off studying at Dartmouth, these affirmative-action policies engendered widespread resistance among India’s elite classes, who were terrified of losing their privileged status in a colossal country where hundreds of millions of indigents might overwhelm the available spots at top schools (and reduce their kids’ chances of, say, going to Dartmouth). Goa itself has set itself up as a redoubt against the reservation policies: it has the fewest scheduled castes and tribes of any Indian state. This is largely because elite Christians have refused to acknowledge discrimination against the Christian dalit, or to allow them to be recognised as a scheduled caste. Pope John Paul II rebuked Indian bishops for these practices on his visit to Goa in 2003.