
Video: Presidential Debate 2012 (Complete) Romney vs.Obama - 10/3/2012

JamesWI10/04/2012 12:55:35 pm PDT

Mormon Mexican cafe owners get death threats, hate mail, fake orders after refusing to allow Romney to use their restaurant for a campaign event.

Aguirre said that the trouble began after an article published by Denver Westword earlier this week reported that their mother had refused the Romney campaign’s offer because “religion and politics don’t mix.”

“Since this article came out we have been getting hate emails, from people across the country, people sending us death threats and people calling us telling us we are racist… that they hope we go out of business,” Aguirre wrote in a letter on Wednesday. “If we do go out of business our Annual Thanksgiving Feast to the needy would end. Last year we fed 5500 meals, this year we may serve above 6000 meals.”

That’s the party of family values for ya!