
More Competition + Less Regulation = Higher Prices

Justanotherhuman11/12/2013 6:58:46 am PST

You will not believe this piece by Kuttner.

Snowden on a US postage stamp? Give me a fucking break and stop comparing him to MLK.

And this: “Have we totally forgotten counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke’s revelations about the months before the attacks of 9/11? The American authorities had all the information they needed to understand that al Qaeda was planning something very big.”

Well, I have Clarke’s book and have read it and while I agree that Bush & Co ignored the signs that something big was coming down, they certainly didn’t have all the details, had no idea where, when and how it would happen, and even Clarke did not say that. There was no real organized information. But Bush ignored the emails and intel that were being given to him and it was the first major failure of his admin, IMHO.