
When bigots say "You've lost my vote", here's the proper response

Orange Impostor2/09/2014 1:41:20 pm PST

So says the guy who had the white nationalist “Southern Avenger” as his social media director.

Rand Paul warns his former home state, Texas, could turn blue

Speaking Saturday night at the dinner, Paul stressed that the country’s top immigration priority should be border security but said the party needs to have a “better attitude” when talking about resolving the country’s broken immigration system.

“People who are Hispanic or Latino, they have to believe that we want them in our party, so it is an attitude thing as much as it is policy,” he said.

One of those messages, he said, should be: “If you want to work and you want a job and want to be part of America, we will find a place for you.”

His line drew mild applause from the audience.

“That was kind of tepid,” he said.