
Overnight Short Oddity: Disclosure - Grab Her

Nyet5/11/2014 5:22:48 am PDT

Statement by Russian MFA Spokesman Andrei Nesterenko in Connection with Completion of Antiterrorist Operation in Sri Lanka


Moscow welcomes reports of the completion by Sri Lankan authorities of their operation against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) extremist organization, resulting in government forces restoring control over the entire territory of the country and freeing civilians held by LTTE as a “human shield.”
The Russian side supports the fight of the Sri Lankan government against terrorism and separatism and for state sovereignty and territorial integrity. We hope that the end to the bloody armed conflict that lasted in Sri Lanka for more than a quarter century will be a guarantee of the establishment of an enduring peace, security and stability in the country.
Moscow wishes the government and people of friendly Sri Lanka success in rapidly overcoming the consequences of the conflict and in achieving economic and social progress based on consensus among and respect for the rights of all the ethnic and religious groups inhabiting it.
Russia reiterates its readiness to strengthen further its cooperation with Sri Lanka both in a bilateral format and in regional and international organizations on counterterrorism and on other themes of mutual concern.

May 19, 2009