
Update on Possible New Ebola Patient: "Low Risk," Did Not Have Contact With Duncan, Does Not Have Fever

Flying Squirrel Girl10/09/2014 11:43:32 am PDT

re: #39 Mike Lamb

No, Chuck, a transaction at the currency exchange window is not bribing…

I spent 5 years in Costa Rica on a renewable tourist visa. There were many trips to Nicaragua to renew my visa where customs “officials” made up rules and tried to prevent me from returning to CR. Either I hadn’t stayed away long enough, or there was a new fee implemented. There was never anyone in any official-looking capacity to make a report to, and I would be forced to comply — even though I knew it wasn’t a new fee and I was essentially paying a bribe.

Not taking upchuck’s side, by any means. But sometimes there is no other way.