
Columbia Journalism School Review Finds "Major Failures" in Rolling Stone's UVA Rape Story

HRH Stanley Sea4/05/2015 6:06:08 pm PDT

re: #20 Charles Johnson

If Rolling Stone decides to fire Erdely for this, fine - it’s their decision to make. But I’m not going to call for her head, for making what appears to be a well-intentioned but ultimately disastrous mistake.

The scoop in journalism has become a huge money maker (killer of all things good)

They hear the story, they BELIEVE it without the basic journalistic strategy of confirming the source.

I’ll never forget the time I learned of the term “the get” it’s all about the mouthpiece getting the money maker, being it Barbara Walters, Katie Couric et al. They want the GET. They give a shit about the story.

Money/page hits/publicity rules.